About Us

Hi, we're Tess and Dicapria, the monsters behind Monsters of the Underworld!

We are a queer couple who fell in love creating art and monsters together.

Our family of monsters is always growing, so we dreamed up this little shop as a way to help support our Big Art!

Our Big Art is mostly focused on: big wearable monster puppets, art installations featuring light art and found object art, and performance and experience design based on these creations.

Our creative realm is a journey through the colorful darkness of our collective subconscious mind, where that which is unknown, unseen, or forbidden is painted in neon and placed upon the altar of our imaginations.

Our work is a love letter to the monsters within us all, an ode to the absurdity found in the margins, and a celebration of our inherent magick that comes to life when we befriend the monster within and join the monster dance.

Our queer and trans identities inform our desire to offer up alternative ways of being, looking, thinking, dreaming.

Our art practice is an exercise in world building, where that which is deemed “other” and transgressive, and therefore “monstrous” by normative human society, is welcomed in our world of monstrous delights.

We transform and alchemize the discarded remnants of human culture, often literally using upcycled and repurposed materials, to build our world of dreams.

Our work is participatory by nature: wearable monster puppets and interactive installations invite our audience to co-create our world with us.

We build most of our Big Art with the help of our wildly talented friends. We love creating in community and deepening friendships through collaboration.

Playing with both reverence and joy, we seek to carve pathways of delight that open up and illuminate unexplored pockets of creativity and imagination in our audience’s minds.

Won't you play with us?


Dicapria & Tess

Thanks for your support!